Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 23 officers' meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m. in conference room 1050. He said the main purpose of the meeting was to set goals for the next year.

Treasurer Ada Middleton reported that the club has a balance of $139.35. She will send reminders to club members to pay dues, which are due Oct. 1. Glenn has paid and Joan Richardson says she plans to pay. Carmelita Young is not renewing. Patricia Longfellow is joining, but needs an invoice.

Glenn said that in the officers’ training meeting he attended it was recommended that clubs send a check by the due date of Oct. 1 for whatever dues have been paid, then send the rest later. Ada will arrange to have the name on the bank account changed from Annette Wimsett to her. Next time dues are due, she will ask for them to be paid 2 weeks before due date.

The officers discussed 3 of the 7 goals listed on Glenn’s agenda:

1. Club Web page—Betsy Blocker volunteered to set up a Web site, hosted by Toastmasters International. The Web site will contain basic introductory information about Toastmasters and Peace Speakers, including meeting locations and times, and contact information for prospective members. Perry has already set up a blog, which can be used for communication among club members. He will send out instructions on posting to the blog and will link the blog to the Web site, once that is completed.

2. E-newsletter—Glenn said the purpose for having a newsletter would be to promote the club. It could be sent to anyone who has attended a meeting in the past 12 months. Betsy suggested waiting 3 months to see if we need a newsletter in addition to the Web site and blog. Everyone agreed. Eva will give Becki the e-mail addresses of guests who sign the attendance sheet at meetings, so she can e-mail them with meeting information and encourage them to join. Becki will also send meeting reminders to people who inquire about the club, even if they don’t attend a meeting.

3. Public relations—Becki said she had talked with James Thorton (Human Resources, PCUSA) about promoting Toastmasters at staff orientation. He is very interested in having fliers about the club to put in the orientation packets. Eva Stimson suggested ordering free brochures from Toastmasters, and adding a sticker with contact and meeting information for Peace Speakers. There may also be a possibility of having a club member speak at the orientation sessions, or having the person who conducts orientation say something about Toastmasters. Betsy is trying to find out who is in charge of orientation. Betsy will also issue a personal invitation to HR director Lisa Robbins to attend one of the October meetings of the club.

Glenn commented that we have many good ideas, but need to follow up on them. The discussion of goals will be continued at next month’s meeting of the Executive Committee, 1-2 p.m., Oct. 28. Glenn encouraged everyone to think about ideas for contests and special events (2 of the suggested goals). Betsy will try to get conference room 1050 again.

-- Eva Stimson

September 17 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:10 p.m. and welcomed club members. Becki Moody led the invocation, reading a poem by e e cummings. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the September 3, 2008 meeting be approved as written. The motion passed.

Glenn said Ada Middleton had suggested that the Peace Speakers participate in the Community Hunger Walk on October 19, and that six officers had indicated their willingness to walk. He gave four reasons for participating:

1. Every organization needs to give something back to the community.
2. It’s a form of selfless service.
3. It could bring us closer as a club.
4. It could be a means of outreach to prospective members.

He called attention to handouts about the walk and suggested that everyone register online and then let Ada know. Eva Stimson suggested that those participating meet in front of the Center for the Arts. A question was raised about the whereabouts of the club banner, which could be carried on the walk.

Treasurer Ada Middleton handed out invoices for the semi-annual membership dues, and announced that dues are to be paid by October 1.

Glenn introduced Vice President for Education Perry Chang, who encouraged members to use the index cards at their places to evaluate one of the meeting participants.

He then led the second part of a special educational program on “Selecting a Speech Topic.” He called attention to a handout listing strategies suggested by members at the previous meeting. Turning to the other side of the handout, he went over a list of strategies recommended by Toastmasters International.

Susan Abraham said it would be helpful to have a chart showing each member’s progress through the series of speeches required by Toastmasters.

Perry then showed a video of a speech by Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin in Dayton, Ohio. Click here to see the video we watched:

After watching the speech, members commented on Palin’s strong and clear speaking voice, effective body language, and good uses of pauses for emphasis.

Perry turned the meeting back over to Glenn Lewis, who expressed appreciation to the club for giving him the opportunity to serve as president for the next year. He said he would be on vacation on October 1, the date of the next meeting, and would need someone to act as presiding officer. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson