Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring dues

I have been sending invoices to each member in hopes that we can pay our dues on time (at the end of March.) For all but brand-new members, dues for the upcoming April thru September are $27 + $3 = $30.

-- Ada Middleton

February 4 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and welcomed everyone. He introduced the invocation leader, Betsy Blocker, who began by distributing copies of “The True Story of the Patton Prayer,” explaining that she found it when she was looking for a weather-related prayer. She then read a passage from the Presbyterian Church’s Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study about Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church, which was recently destroyed by a fire.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance, then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the January 21, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that membership dues are due to Toastmasters International by the end of March. She said she would be sending out invoices soon and would like to receive payments from everyone by the March 4 meeting.

Glenn Lewis welcomed first-time visitor Cathy Franck and invited her to introduce herself. She told a little bit about herself and her previous experience with Toastmasters.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Ada Middleton, who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain his/her responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eric Darnell; Timer/Vote Counter—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics Master—Eva Stimson

Ada introduced speaker Susan EngPoole (pictured above), who gave her “Project #1: The Ice Breaker” speech from the Toastmasters International Competent Communication program. Her topic was “Be Love. Be Grateful.”

Eva Stimson then led Table Topics, inviting six people to speak on topics related to the theme “Winter Joys and Challenges.” She asked those present to vote for the best speech on the slips of paper provided.

Ada called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Becki Moody said Susan EngPoole’s speech was excellent, and praised her for coming out from behind the podium and speaking without notes. She said Susan showed confidence, maintained good eye contact and showed evidence of preparation. She spoke with strong volume and made effective use of pauses. She said repetition of the main points might have strengthened the speech.

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eric Darnell reported that he counted 3 “ums,” 3 space fillers, 1 unfinished sentence, and several run-on sentences, but no major grammatical errors.

Timer Betsy Blocker reported the following times:
Susan EngPoole’s speech 6:31
Becki Moody’s evaluation 1:53
Table Topics:
Eric Darnell 1:24
Glenn Lewis 1:27
Cathy Franck 1:00
Becki Moody 1:09
Betsy Blocker 1:36
Ada Middleton 1:28

Betsy announced the Table Topics winner: Eric Darnell. Eva gave him a prize and the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

After a few closing remarks, Toastmaster Ada Middleton turned the meeting back over to President Glenn Lewis. Glenn announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. February 18 in Conference Room B.

Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January 21 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:07 p.m., and welcomed club members and visitor. He introduced the invocation leader, Eva Stimson, who offered a prayer for the newly inaugurated president of the United States, Barack Obama. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance without the flag, which was missing from the set-up box.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Perry Chang made a motion that the minutes for the January 7, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Glenn Lewis announced a change in the agenda, due to the absence of Table Topics Master Eric Darnell, who had a last-minute conflict. Glenn said he would be serving as Table Topics Master as well as Toastmaster.

Glenn introduced members of the Evaluation Team, and each person explained his/her responsibilities: Ah Counter/Grammarian—Perry Chang; Speech Evaluator—Ada Middleton; Timer/Vote Counter—Eva Stimson; Table Topics Master—Glenn Lewis

Perry Chang introduced the word of the day: Transform (verb) With an object: Change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature or character; metamorphose; convert. Without an object: Undergo a change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature or character.

Glenn introduced speaker Patricia Longfellow (pictured above), who gave her “Project #1: The Ice Breaker” speech from the Toastmasters International Competent Communication program. Her topic was “Cats.”

Glenn then led a Table Topics competition, inviting four people to speak on the topic of “favorite pet.” He asked those present to vote for the best speech on the index cards provided.

Glenn called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Ada Middleton praised Patricia Longfellow’s speech, saying that it was clear and audible, stayed within the proper length and showed evidence of preparation. She gave her high marks for not appearing nervous, and for using props and speaking without notes. She gave one suggestion for improvement: varying her pitch and tone of voice.

Ah Counter/Grammarian Perry Chang encouraged everyone to use index cards to share suggestions and feedback with meeting participants. He reported that the word of the day was used 3 times. He counted only a few space fillers and unfinished sentences. Perry also announced that club member Becki Moody was absent because one of her professors had invited to give a speech elsewhere.

Timer Eva Stimson reported the following times:
Patricia Longfellow’s speech 5:37
Ada Middleton’s evaluation 1:32
Table Topics:
Eva Stimson 2:09
Ada Middleton 1:49
Deborah Hoff 2:14
Perry Chang 1:49

Eva announced the Table Topics winner: Deborah Hoff. Glenn awarded her the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

Glenn Lewis announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. February 4 in Conference Room B. Perry Chang reminded members of the upcoming officer training at the Kentucky Farm Bureau on Jan. 29, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Glenn announced that the Peace Speakers Executive Committee would be meeting on January 27, 1–2 p.m., in Room 1050.
Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson