Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nominations Committee slate

Proposed slate of officers for Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club, 2009–10:

President—Eva Stimson
Vice President for Education—Eric Darnell
Vice President for Membership—Becki Moody (second term)
Vice President for Public Relations—Perry Chang
Secretary—Joelle Anderson
Treasurer—Ada Middleton (second term)
Sergeant at Arms—Patricia Longfellow

Nominating Committee members: Eva Stimson, chair; Eric Darnell; Perry Chang; Patricia Longfellow

Glenn Lewis will serve as Immediate Past President and will be a member of the Executive Committee.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Humorous speech contest

Peace Speakers Toastmasters has an opportunity to send a contestant to a rescheduled Toastmasters International Area 66 Humorous Speech Contest, 5:30-7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, down the street above Vincenzo’s restaurant (in downtown Louisville at 5th and Market) (pictured above), in the Humana Conference Center Room 2A.

Any Toastmasters member is invited to give a funny speech on any topic. The speech must be an original speech (not used before) between five and seven minutes long. Click here for more information:

If more than one Peace Speakers member is interested, we would have a club contest, and the winner of this contest would go on to the area contest. The winner of the area contest will go on to the division contest, which will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 26.

President Glenn Lewis stressed at Wednesday’s meeting that members and others who are not competing are invited to be there to watch the contest. Join us for some great speeches or even give one of those great speeches yourself!

Congrats, Joan!

Congratulations to longtime club member Joan Richardson, who is retiring this month after working for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for 36 years. Stop by a celebration at 2 p.m. on Monday, June 8, in the Presbyterian Center Atrium to celebrate Joan’s transition.

Welcome, Joelle!

Belated welcome to new member Joelle Anderson. Joelle Anderson is a native of the Pacific Northwest who moved to Kentuckiana to work in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Research Services office, where she focuses on the U.S. Congregational Life Survey. Joelle is active at Southeast Christian Church.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 6 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:02 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Kim Kaberle. She read Proverbs 25:11 and an essay about the power of words.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed members to the meeting. He announced that the May 20 meeting had been cancelled due to a mandatory furlough of most employees at the Presbyterian Center that week. He said the officers would be meeting May 26, 1–2 p.m., in room 150 at the Presbyterian Center. A nominating committee has been appointed to prepare a new slate of officers for the next club year. New officers need to be in place by June 30. The nominating committee will give a progress report at the next Toastmasters meeting June 3.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. The minutes for the April 15, 2009 meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer Ada Middleton said she had checked online to make sure everyone who paid dues in April was listed on the club membership roster posted by Toastmasters International. She said everyone was listed except Kim Kaberle, who just joined and will be added soon.
Glenn introduced Toastmaster Betsy Blocker, who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator #1—Ada Middleton; Speech Evaluator #2—Joelle Anderson; Table Topics— Patricia Longfellow; Timer—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Gary Warren; Vote Counter—Eric Darnell.

Gary Warren introduced the word of the day, voluble (adjective). (1) Characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative. (2) Easily rolling or turning; rotating. Example: She is a voluble spokesperson for the cause. Synonyms: articulate, garrulous, loquacious. Antonym: taciturn.

Betsy introduced Eva Stimson, who gave her Project #8 “Get Comfortable with Visual Aids” speech from the Competent Communication Program Manual. Eva gave a Powerpoint presentation on “Bible 101: Things everyone should know about the most influential book of all time.”

Betsy then introduced Valerie Mansfield, who gave her Project #1 “Ice Breaker” speech from the Competent Communication Program Manual. Valerie’s topic was “Surprise . . . this is my life!”

Betsy introduced Patricia Longfellow to lead Table Topics. She invited six people to “take a penny, leave a memory.” Each person drew a penny out of a bowl and spoke about something memorable that happened in the year on the penny.

Betsy then called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech Evaluator #1, Ada Middleton, said Eva Stimson’s speech was well researched, had a good introduction and did not rely too much on notes. She liked the use of humor and audience participation. She suggested that Eva vary her tone of voice, use more gestures, and place her laptop in a lower spot so it would not hide her face from the audience.

Speech Evaluator #2, Joelle Anderson, said Valerie Mansfield’s speech was engaging, funny and well constructed. Valerie appeared comfortable and did not rely on notes. Joelle suggested that she work on avoiding space fillers.

Timer Becki Moody reported the following times:
Eva Stimson’s speech 8:34
Valerie Mansfield’s speech 5:50

Table Topics:
Susan EngPoole 2:00
Deborah Hoff 1:18
Glenn Lewis 1:32
Gary Warren 35 seconds
Perry Chang 2:16
Kim Kaberle 1:44

Speech evaluation #1 2:16
Speech evaluation #2 1:29

Ah Counter/Grammarian Gary Warren reported that the word of the day was used 2 times. He also counted 15 space fillers.

Vote counter Eric Darnell reported that Kim Kaberle received the most votes for best Table Topics speech. Patricia presented her with a prize and trophy to keep until the next meeting.

Following closing remarks, Betsy Blocker turned the meeting over to President Glenn Lewis. He congratulated everyone for having all 14 members present at the meeting. He announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting is at 1 p.m. June 3 in Conference Room B (not June 6 as listed on the program). He adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
-- Eva Stimson

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

April 15 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:04 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Susan EngPoole. She read the Lord’s Prayer, as translated from Aramaic.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed members to the meeting. He announced that there would be an officers’ meeting April 21, from 1–2 p.m. in room 1050 at the Presbyterian Center. He said the officers would be discussing the appointment of a nominating committee to prepare a new slate of officers for the next club year. New officers need to be in place by June 30. Glenn encouraged all members to consider serving as officers.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Susan EngPoole made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 1, 2009 meeting as written. The motion was approved.

Eva said Treasurer Ada Middleton had asked her to tell club members to disregard any e-mail they may have received from the national offices about dues not being paid. Ada checked on this and was told the e-mail was sent out by mistake.

Perry reminded members about the Toastmasters International District 11 spring conference in Indianapolis, April 17–18, and encouraged anyone interested to attend.

Susan EngPoole invited members to attend programs by speaker Byron Katie April 22 and 23. She distributed a CD and booklet by Katie to everyone.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Eva Stimson, who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Timer—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Kim Kaberle. ers of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Timer—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Kim Kaberle.

Patricia Longfellow introduced the word of the day, trepidation (noun). Etymology: Latin trepidation, trepidatio, from trepidare to tremble, from trepidus agitated, probably akin to Old English thrafian to urge, push, Greek trapein to press grapes. Date: 1605. Meaning: A fearful state; a state of hesitation or concern. Example: Timorous, uncertain agitation—trepidation about starting a new job.

Eva introduced Becki Moody, who gave her Project #4 “How to Say It” speech from the Competent Communication Program Manual. The topic of her speech was “When Love Goes Wrong” (domestic violence

Eva introduced Joelle Anderson to lead Table Topics. She invited six people to speak on topics related to the Kentucky Derby.

Eva then called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech Evaluator Betsy Blocker said Becki’s topic was very appropriate and her speech was informative. She used simple, clear words and made good use of examples. She said Becki seemed a lot more comfortable speaking then when she gave her first speech.

Timer Eric Darnell reported the following times:
Becki Moody’s speech 9:15

Table Topics:
Gary Warren 1:14
Perry Chang 1:34
Kim Kaberle 1:03
Susan EngPoole 1:46
Glenn Lewis 1:33
Patricia Longfellow 1:31

Speech evaluation 1:17

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow reported that the word of the day was used 5 times. She also counted 16 space fillers and 3 sentence shifts.

Vote counter Kim Kaberle reported that Patricia Longfellow received the most votes for best Table Topics speech. Joelle presented her with a prize and trophy to keep until the next meeting.
Following closing remarks, Eva Stimson turned the meeting over to President Glenn Lewis. He announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting is at 1 p.m. May 6 in Conference Room B. He adjourned the meeting at 1:49 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Monday, May 11, 2009

Best wishes

Best wishes to Susan Engpoole, for her upcoming three-month (June 1-August 31) out-of-town sabbatical, and to Becki Moody, with her upcoming medical procedure (May 18) and six- to eight-week medical leave following that.

-- Perry

Thursday, April 30, 2009

May 20

The May 20 meeting has been cancelled because most Prebyterian Center employees will be on furlough that week and the Presbyterian Center will be operating with limited staff. Peace Speakers will meet next on Wednesday, May 6, and Wednesday, June 3 - both at 1 p.m. in Conference Room B, at the Presbyterian Center, at 100 Witherspoon Street, in downtown Louisville, a couple of blocks from the waterfront. Normally, the club meets from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, at the Presbyterian Center.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome, Gary!

New member Gary Warren has the distinction of bleeding both red and blue. He’s got master’s degrees from both the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville. Gary is a long-time local librarian and runner and lives in the South End. Welcome to Peace Speakers!

-- Perry

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Toastmasters International encourages clubs to have someone always standing at the lectern during club meetings (except if a prepared speaker or the Table Topics master stands in front of the lectern or wanders around the room a little or perhaps if a Table Topics Master finishes up Table Topics and then we’re giving people time to vote). People done with what they have to do at the lectern should wait for the next person to come up. Except sometimes with the invocation, we should clap during lectern exchanges and the people exchanging the lectern should shake hands with each other.

When serving on the evaluation team, we’ve also traditionally stood when we’re explaining our responsibilities and when we’re presenting our reports. Timers have also turned on the green light, then turned it off and turned on the yellow light, and then turned it off and turned on the red light. In my opinion, there should not be multiple lights on at once.

-- Perry

April 1 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Joelle Anderson. She offered a prayer by the Trappist monk Charles de Foucauld, called the “Prayer of Abandonment.”

Glenn welcomed members and guests, and invited first-time visitor Damon Ford to introduce himself. Glenn then led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. The minutes for the March 18, 2009 meeting were approved as written. Glenn announced that Joelle Anderson and Deborah Hoff had officially joined Toastmasters since the last meeting.

Treasurer Ada Middleton congratulated everyone for paying their membership dues on time. She was able to send a check to Toastmasters International before the April 1 deadline. She said Patricia Longfellow, whose membership has lapsed, hopes to return to meetings and pay her dues soon.

Glenn called attention to a handout about the Toastmasters International District 11 spring conference in Indianapolis, April 17–18. He encouraged members to visit the Peace Speakers blog ( and leave comments.

Glenn, who was also serving as Toastmaster for the day, invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Eva Stimson; Timer— Ada Middleton; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Susan EngPoole; Vote Counter— Deborah Hoff.

Susan EngPoole introduced the word of the day, genre (noun: jon-rah): (1) a category of artistic, musical, or literary compostition characterized by a particular style, form, or content (2) kind, sort (3) painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life, usually realistically. Example: Music can be divided into genres in many different ways.

Glenn introduced Eric Darnell, who gave his Project #3 “Get to the Point” speech from the Competent Communication Program Manual. The topic of his speech was “Morel Mushrooms: Elusive Prey.”

Glenn then introduced Becki Moody to lead Table Topics. She invited four people to speak on topics related to April Fools day. Each topic was a famous quote containing the word “fool.”

Glenn then called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech Evaluator Eva Stimson gave Eric Darnell high marks for presentation, for moving out from behind the podium and speaking without notes, and for using visual aids, gestures and body language effectively to help make his points. She liked his humor and conversational style. She thought his conclusion was a little abrupt, and the speech would have been improved by stating the “specific purpose” more clearly at the beginning.

Timer Ada Middleton reported the following times:
Eric Darnell’s speech 8:31

Table Topics:
Eva Stimson 1:53
Susan EngPoole 1:26
Kim Kaberle 5:57
Deborah Hoff 1:49

Speech evaluation 2:31

Ah Counter/Grammarian Susan EngPoole reported that the word of the day was used two times. Susan also counted 21 space fillers.

Vote Counter Deborah Hoff reported that her own Table Topics speech received the most votes. Becki presented her with a prize and trophy to keep until the next meeting.

In his closing remarks Toastmaster and President Glenn Lewis pointed out the flying penguins photo on the day’s program, explaining that this was an April Fool’s joke. He announced that the Peace Speakers Toastmasters officers would meet Tuesday, April 21, from 1–2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Center. The next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting is at 1 p.m. April 15 in Conference Room B.

-- Eva

Monday, April 13, 2009

Prayers for Ada

Those of you who pray might pray for healing for our club treasurer, Ada Middleton, who was involved in a serious car accident this past Wednesday afternoon (during Holy Week). The driver of a minivan apparently fell asleep, and his minivan hit Ada’s car, ultimately sending three people to the hospital. Ada was diagnosed with a concussion and an ankle injury and given a splint for her ankle and pain medication. Her car was totaled. Ada nevertheless returned to work today.

Also working with health care providers this week is Becki Moody, our vice president for membership. Becki continues to explore possible responses to her own health problems.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 18 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Valerie Mansfield. She read a selection from the Daily Word on forgiveness, followed by Matthew 18:21–22.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed members and guests, and invited first-time visitor Kim Kaberle to introduce herself.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Valerie Mansfield made a motion that the minutes for the March 4, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that all but a few people have paid their membership dues. Two new members joined and paid dues at the March 18 meeting. Dues must be sent to Toastmasters International by April 1.

Glenn announced several changes in the meeting program due to last-minute absences. He said he would replace Perry Chang as Table Topics master and Deborah Hoff would replace Betsy Blocker as timer.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Eva Stimson to begin the educational program. Eva invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Timer—Deborah Hoff; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Ada Middleton; Vote Counter—Gary Warren.

Ada introduced the word of the day, immoderate (adjective): Exceeding just, usual, or suitable bounds; going beyond a normal limit (immoderate spending, immoderate eating). Example: The buffet at Golden Corral attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited cash in their pockets.

Eva introduced Glenn Lewis, who led a special expanded Table Topics competition on the theme of March Madness/Sports. For Round #1 he invited seven people to speak on topics related to various types of sports or sporting events. He then asked those present to vote for the best speech on the slips of paper provided. Vote counter Gary Warren declared that the winner of Round #1 was Eva Stimson, whose topic was running.

For Round #2 Glenn invited five people to speak on topics related to famous people in sports. In a vote following the speeches listeners chose Eric Darnell, who spoke about Rick Pitino (pictured above) as the winner of Round #2.

Glenn explained that Round #3 would be a run-off between the winners of Rounds #1 and #2. He invited Eva and Eric each to draw the name of a city that hosted March Madness games and speak about it. After a vote, Gary Warren declared Eric the overall winner of Table Topics, and Eva the runner up. Eric spoke about Portland, Ore., and Eva spoke about Philadelphia, Pa. They each received a prize and a trophy to keep until the next meeting.

Eva then called for reports from the evaluation team. Timer Deborah Hoff reported the following times for the Table Topics speeches:

Round #1:
Valerie Mansfield 1:09
Eric Darnell 1:14
Joelle Anderson 1:28
Ada Middleton 1:21
Gary Warren 45 seconds
Eva Stimson 2:07
Deborah Hoff 1:21

Round #2:
Valerie Mansfield 48 seconds
Joelle Anderson 39 seconds
Eric Darnell 1:30
Gary Warren 48 seconds
Deborah Hoff 18 seconds

Round #3:
Eric Darnell 1:08
Eva Stimson 1:40

Ah Counter/Grammarian Ada Middleton reported that the word of the day was used 1 time, by Gary Warren. (Eva Stimson used the word 1 time following Ada’s report.) Ada also counted 19 space fillers and 2 sentence fragments.

After closing remarks, Toastmaster Eva Stimson turned the meeting back over to President Glenn Lewis. He announced that the Peace Speakers Toastmasters officers would meet Tuesday, March 24, at 1 p.m. in room 1050 at the Presbyterian Center, and the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. April 1 in Conference Room B.

Glenn also announced that Valerie Mansfield would be using her speaking skills to teach a class at Unity of Louisville April 13–17. He adjourned the meeting at 1:58 p.m.

-- Perry

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring conference

You're invited to the Friday, April 17-Saturday, April 18 Toastmasters International District 11 "Venture Out" spring conference, just an hour and a half away at the Crowne Plaza hotel (pictured above) near the Indianapolis airport. This conference will feature two contests - the evaluation contest Friday evening and the International speech contest Saturday evening - and a keynote speech by the 2003 world speaking champion, Jim Key. The $20 registation also covers two rounds of educational workshops and participation in the district business meeting. Costs for meals is additional. For additional information, check out the District 11 Web site at:

-- Perry

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome, Deborah!

One of our newest members, Deborah Hoff, works for a law firm in New Albany and helps direct the multimedia ministries of her south side church. Two interesting tidbits: Deborah’s husband teaches public speaking at two Indiana colleges and Deborah is traveling to the Northeast late this month to help her daugher start planning the daughter's wedding.

-- Perry

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome, Valerie!

Valerie Mansfield, who coordinates educational and children's and youth ministries at the Unity of Louisville congregation near the old Male High School, was the first of several people to join Peace Speakers in the past month. Welcome aboard, Valerie!

-- Perry

March 3 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Eva Stimson. She read Psalm 25:4–5.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed members and guests, and invited Dave Mattingly, a member of Expressers Toastmasters at PNC Plaza, to introduce himself.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Perry Chang made a motion that the minutes for the February 18, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that five people have paid their membership dues so far. Dues must be sent to Toastmasters International by April 1. Ada has sent invoices to everyone and would like to receive payments ($30 for existing members) by the March 18 meeting.

Becki Moody announced that she had received an e-mail seeking volunteer judges for a student speech and debate tournament April 2–4. Anyone interested should contact Becki.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Perry Chang to begin the educational program. Perry explained that the photo on the meeting programs, chosen to fit the theme of “love,” was taken in Philadelphia, which is known as “the city of brotherly love.” He invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Table Topics—Ada Middleton; Timer—Valerie Mansfield; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Becki Moody; Vote Counter—Eric Darnell

Becki Moody introduced the word of the day, languid (adjective): Without energy, slow, sluggish, listless. Example: I often have a mid-afternoon slump and feel languid.

Perry introduced guest speaker Dave Mattingly (pictured above and below), who gave his “Project #8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids” speech from the Toastmasters International Competent Communication program. His topic was “The Languages of Love.”

Ada Middleton then led Table Topics, inviting five people (three of them - Eric, Glenn, and Gary - pictured below) to speak on topics related to Valentine’s Day. She asked those present to vote for the best speech on the slips of paper provided.

Perry called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Eva Stimson praised Dave Mattingly for speaking without notes and for effective use gestures, body language, humor and demonstrations to emphasize his main points. She suggested he speak more slowly and use separate pages of the flip chart or cards for each main point.

Timer Valerie Mansfield reported the following times:
Dave Mattingly’s speech 7:15
Eva Stimson’s evaluation 2:05
Table Topics:
- Eric Darnell 1:20
- Betsy Blocker 1:15
- Glenn Lewis 3:00
- Joelle Anderson 1:37
- Gary Warren 28 seconds

Ah Counter/Grammarian Becki Moody reported that she counted 33 space fillers, 2 unfinished sentences, and 0 uses of the word of the day. However, the word of the day was used 4 times following her report.

Vote Counter Eric Darnell announced the Table Topics winner: Joelle Anderson. Ada gave her a prize and the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

After closing remarks, Toastmaster Perry Chang turned the meeting back over to President Glenn Lewis, who announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. March 18 in Conference Room B. Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
-- Eva Stimson

Friday, March 13, 2009

Prayers for Becki

Becki, our vice president for membership, is in the hospital emergency room today with pain in her ribs. Let's pray for healing for Becki.

-- Perry

Thursday, March 5, 2009

February 18 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:03 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Susan EngPoole. She read a selection on “harmony” from the Daily Word. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed guests (including Gary Warren - pictured below) and invited them to introduce themselves.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the February 4, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Glenn announced that there would be a meeting of Peace Speakers officers Tuesday, February 24, from 1–2 p.m. Betsy Blocker said she would reserve a conference room.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that membership dues are due to Toastmasters International by the end of March. She said she would send out invoices by the end of the week and would like to receive payments ($30) from everyone by March 4.

Perry said the PC(USA) Human Resources department had asked for a list of the people attending Toastmasters meeting. He suggested that the officers discuss this request.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Eric Darnell (pictured below), who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Table Topics—Betsy Blocker; Speech Evaluator—Perry Chang; Timer—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eva Stimson; Vote Counter—Glenn Lewis

Eva Stimson introduced the word of the day: indulge
1. to give free rein to
2. to take unrestrained pleasure in; gratify
3. to yield to the desire of; humorto treat with excessive leniency, generosity or consideration
Eric introduced speaker Ada Middleton (pictured below), who gave her “Project #3: Get to the Point” speech from the Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership program. Her topic was “Yoga Has Shaped My World.”

Betsy Blocker then led Table Topics, inviting four people (including Susan Engpoole - pictured below) to speak on topics related to the theme of Yoga and other ways to relieve stress.

Betsy asked those present to vote for the best speech on the slips of paper provided.

Eric called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Perry Chang said Ada Middleton’s speech was very good, and praised her for speaking in a conversational tone and not relying too much on notes. Commenting on the structure of the speech, he said it might have been better if Ada had left out the list of benefits at the beginning, and focused on personal experiences.

Timer Becki Moody reported the following times:
Ada Middleton’s speech 7:38
Perry Chang’s evaluation 2:13
Table Topics:
Susan EngPoole 55 seconds
Glenn Lewis 59 seconds
Deborah Hoff 1:06
Joelle Anderson 49 seconds

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eva Stimson reported that she counted 16 space fillers, 2 unfinished sentences, and no major grammatical errors. Ada Middleton did not use any space fillers in her speech. The word of the day was used 3 times (plus 2 more times following this report).
Vote Counter Glenn Lewis announced the Table Topics winner: Deborah Hoff (pictured below).

Betsy gave Deborah a prize and the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

In his closing remarks, Toastmaster Eric Darnell talked about changes, including the upcoming change of seasons from winter to spring. He turned the meeting back over to President Glenn Lewis, who closed with a story and a reminder that people are watching what you do, particularly young people.

Glenn announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. March 4 in Conference Room B. Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
-- Eva Stimson

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring dues

I have been sending invoices to each member in hopes that we can pay our dues on time (at the end of March.) For all but brand-new members, dues for the upcoming April thru September are $27 + $3 = $30.

-- Ada Middleton

February 4 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and welcomed everyone. He introduced the invocation leader, Betsy Blocker, who began by distributing copies of “The True Story of the Patton Prayer,” explaining that she found it when she was looking for a weather-related prayer. She then read a passage from the Presbyterian Church’s Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study about Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church, which was recently destroyed by a fire.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance, then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the January 21, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that membership dues are due to Toastmasters International by the end of March. She said she would be sending out invoices soon and would like to receive payments from everyone by the March 4 meeting.

Glenn Lewis welcomed first-time visitor Cathy Franck and invited her to introduce herself. She told a little bit about herself and her previous experience with Toastmasters.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Ada Middleton, who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain his/her responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eric Darnell; Timer/Vote Counter—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics Master—Eva Stimson

Ada introduced speaker Susan EngPoole (pictured above), who gave her “Project #1: The Ice Breaker” speech from the Toastmasters International Competent Communication program. Her topic was “Be Love. Be Grateful.”

Eva Stimson then led Table Topics, inviting six people to speak on topics related to the theme “Winter Joys and Challenges.” She asked those present to vote for the best speech on the slips of paper provided.

Ada called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Becki Moody said Susan EngPoole’s speech was excellent, and praised her for coming out from behind the podium and speaking without notes. She said Susan showed confidence, maintained good eye contact and showed evidence of preparation. She spoke with strong volume and made effective use of pauses. She said repetition of the main points might have strengthened the speech.

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eric Darnell reported that he counted 3 “ums,” 3 space fillers, 1 unfinished sentence, and several run-on sentences, but no major grammatical errors.

Timer Betsy Blocker reported the following times:
Susan EngPoole’s speech 6:31
Becki Moody’s evaluation 1:53
Table Topics:
Eric Darnell 1:24
Glenn Lewis 1:27
Cathy Franck 1:00
Becki Moody 1:09
Betsy Blocker 1:36
Ada Middleton 1:28

Betsy announced the Table Topics winner: Eric Darnell. Eva gave him a prize and the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

After a few closing remarks, Toastmaster Ada Middleton turned the meeting back over to President Glenn Lewis. Glenn announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. February 18 in Conference Room B.

Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January 21 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:07 p.m., and welcomed club members and visitor. He introduced the invocation leader, Eva Stimson, who offered a prayer for the newly inaugurated president of the United States, Barack Obama. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance without the flag, which was missing from the set-up box.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Perry Chang made a motion that the minutes for the January 7, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Glenn Lewis announced a change in the agenda, due to the absence of Table Topics Master Eric Darnell, who had a last-minute conflict. Glenn said he would be serving as Table Topics Master as well as Toastmaster.

Glenn introduced members of the Evaluation Team, and each person explained his/her responsibilities: Ah Counter/Grammarian—Perry Chang; Speech Evaluator—Ada Middleton; Timer/Vote Counter—Eva Stimson; Table Topics Master—Glenn Lewis

Perry Chang introduced the word of the day: Transform (verb) With an object: Change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature or character; metamorphose; convert. Without an object: Undergo a change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature or character.

Glenn introduced speaker Patricia Longfellow (pictured above), who gave her “Project #1: The Ice Breaker” speech from the Toastmasters International Competent Communication program. Her topic was “Cats.”

Glenn then led a Table Topics competition, inviting four people to speak on the topic of “favorite pet.” He asked those present to vote for the best speech on the index cards provided.

Glenn called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech evaluator Ada Middleton praised Patricia Longfellow’s speech, saying that it was clear and audible, stayed within the proper length and showed evidence of preparation. She gave her high marks for not appearing nervous, and for using props and speaking without notes. She gave one suggestion for improvement: varying her pitch and tone of voice.

Ah Counter/Grammarian Perry Chang encouraged everyone to use index cards to share suggestions and feedback with meeting participants. He reported that the word of the day was used 3 times. He counted only a few space fillers and unfinished sentences. Perry also announced that club member Becki Moody was absent because one of her professors had invited to give a speech elsewhere.

Timer Eva Stimson reported the following times:
Patricia Longfellow’s speech 5:37
Ada Middleton’s evaluation 1:32
Table Topics:
Eva Stimson 2:09
Ada Middleton 1:49
Deborah Hoff 2:14
Perry Chang 1:49

Eva announced the Table Topics winner: Deborah Hoff. Glenn awarded her the trophy to keep until the next meeting.

Glenn Lewis announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting would be at 1 p.m. February 4 in Conference Room B. Perry Chang reminded members of the upcoming officer training at the Kentucky Farm Bureau on Jan. 29, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Glenn announced that the Peace Speakers Executive Committee would be meeting on January 27, 1–2 p.m., in Room 1050.
Glenn adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 7 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m., and welcomed club members and visitors. He introduced the invocation leader, Eric Darnell, who shared a quote from Benjamin Franklin about New Year’s resolutions. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. He announced that the Peace Speakers executive committee would be meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 27, at 1:00 p.m.

Perry Chang explained a new system of assigning the leadership roles for meetings. The various roles will rotate among club members, so that members will know their responsibilities for the next 6 months. Glenn asked members to look at the spreadsheet of meeting dates and leadership assignments sent out by e-mail and give feedback to Perry.

Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the December 3, 2008 meeting be approved with one correction. The motion was seconded and approved.

Glenn Lewis introduced Toastmaster Eva Stimson to begin the educational program. Eva introduced members of the Evaluation Team, and each person explained his/her responsibilities: Table Topics Master—Glenn Lewis; Timer—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Betsy Blocker.

Patricia introduced the word of the day:
Pedestrian (adj.) 1. Commonplace, prosaic or dull: a pedestrian commencement speech 2. a. Going or performed on foot; b. of, relating to, or designed for walking: a pedestrian mall

Eva turned the program over to Glenn Lewis, who led a special Table Topics competition.
In Round 1 he invited five people to speak on various topics related to “Looking back at 2008.” In Round 2 he invited five people to speak on topics related to “Looking ahead to 2009.” After each round those present voted for the best speech and Betsy Blocker counted the votes. She announced that Ashish Parekh won Round 1, and Perry Chang and Eva Stimson tied for best speech in Round 2.

In Round 3 Glenn invited the three winners of the previous rounds to speak on their choice of topics related to 2008 and 2009. After a vote, Betsy announced the overall Table Topics winner: Perry Chang. Glenn awarded him the trophy and a gift certificate to Subway.

Glenn then called for reports from the evaluation team. Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow reported that the word of the day had not been used by any speakers. She counted 17space fillers in Round 1, 7 in Round 2, and 6 in Round 3.

Timer Becki Moodi reported the following times:

Round 1:
Becki Moody 1:31
Perry Chang 2:04
Betsy Blocker 1:18
Ashish Parekh 1:59
Eric Darnell 1:11

Round 2:
Eva Stimson 1:31
Patricia Longfellow 1:52
Betsy Blocker 46 sec.
Perry Chang 2:20
Eric Darnell 1:21

Round 3:
Ashish Parekh 1:49
Eva Stimson 1:28
Perry Chang 2:01

Toastmaster Eva Stimson invited Ashish Parekh, Area 37 Governor of Toastmasters International (pictured above), to make a few remarks. He encouraged Peace Speakers members to participate in these upcoming events:

• Jan. 29, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Officer training at the Kentucky Farm Bureau
• March 10, 5:15 p.m. Area Speech Contest at Humana Conference Center, Room 2A (this will include a contest on evaluating speeches)

He also encouraged working toward becoming a Distinguished Club, by setting goals for membership and for having members complete the Competent Communication manual.

Toastmaster Eva Stimson thanked Ashish for his visit, and then turned the meeting over to President Glenn Lewis, who adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Healing thoughts

Let us send healing thoughts to Susan (our former president) and Ada (our treasurer). Both have been coping with New Year's health problems. We hope you get well soon.

-- Perry

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

December 3 meeting

Participants gathered for a holiday potluck lunch at 12:45.

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:25 p.m. Eva Stimson led the invocation, reading an Iroquois prayer of thanksgiving from The Treasury of American Prayer. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Glenn welcomed participants, and then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made two corrections to the minutes of the November 19, 2008 meeting. She suggested that the definition of the word of the day be included in all future minutes. Betsy then made a motion that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion passed.

Glenn announced that the December 10 meeting had been cancelled. The next meeting will be January 7 in Conference Room B.

Perry Chang said he would order a new Table Topics trophy to replace the one that was taken home by a guest and never returned.

Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that she had collected $45 from members for the plant purchased for Susan Abraham. The plant cost $65. Glenn said the remainder could be taken out of the club treasury.

Glenn announced that the Peace Speakers Executive Committee had decided to rotate the role of toastmaster at meetings among the club’s six most experienced members.

Glenn then introduced Vice President for Education Perry Chang, who led a special educational program on “Confronting Nervousness in Public Speaking.” After a brief introduction, he divided participants into pairs to discuss fears and possible coping strategies, following the instructions given on a handout. Each pair then shared a coping strategy they had discussed.

Perry called attention to another handout that listed strategies for confronting nervousness recommended by Toastmasters International. He said the strategies were also listed on page 72 of the Competent Communication manual. After briefly explaining each strategy, Perry turned the meeting back over to Glenn Lewis.

Glenn thanked Perry for leading the educational program. In his closing remarks he told about a WalMart employee in New York who was trampled to death by a mob of shoppers looking for bargains the day after Thanksgiving. He said the incident was a wake-up call, illustrating how greedy and self-centered our society has become. He encouraged everyone to look for opportunities during the holidays to hold a door open for someone, or let someone else go first in line.

Glenn then adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

Monday, January 5, 2009

Potluck pictures

November 19 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m. He introduced invocation leader Perry Chang, who read selections from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study, focusing on Lebanon and the power of prayer. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed club members to the meeting.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Perry Chang made a motion that the minutes for the November 5, 2008 meeting be approved without corrections. The motion passed.

Glenn announced that Peace Speakers officers would be meeting November 25, from 1–2 p.m. There was a discussion about whether to have a Christmas potluck, and whether to have one or two meetings in December. This will be decided at the officers’ meeting. Glenn reminded members to give donations to treasurer Ada Middleton to help pay for the plant she bought for Susan Abraham. Eva Stimson read a note from former member Annette Wimsett, thanking the club for sending her a gift of appreciation for filling in as sergeant-at-arms and treasurer.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Perry Chang to begin the educational program. Perry explained that the program would feature a special Table Topics Smackdown Competition, with four rounds of short, impromptu speeches on the theme of “Geography and Space.” Perry introduced members of the Evaluation Team. Each person explained his/her responsibilities: Table Topics—Perry Chang; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Glenn Lewis; Timer—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Eva Stimson.

Ah Counter/Grammarian Glenn Lewis introduced the word of the day: opine.

Perry then invited the three others present to speak on various countries (round #1); states (round #2); Kentuckiana neighborhoods (round #3); and a mixture of all three (round #4).

After each round, those present were invited to vote for the best Table Topics speech. Vote counter Eva Stimson reported the following results:

Round #1: Tie between Eva Stimson and Patricia Longfellow
Round #2: Tie between Patricia Longfellow and Glenn Lewis
Round #3: Winner Patricia Longfellow
Round #4: Winner Eva Stimson

Perry Chang awarded the grand prize for the competition to Patricia Longfellow.

Timer Patricia Longfellow gave the following times to Secretary Eva Stimson to be recorded in the minutes:

Round #1: Glenn Lewis (2:00); Eva Stimson (1:27); Patricia Longfellow (1:36)
Round #2: Glenn Lewis (1:53); Eva Stimson (1:39); Patricia Longfellow (1:24)
Round #3: Glenn Lewis (1:57); Eva Stimson (1:11); Patricia Longfellow (2:00)
Round #4: Glenn Lewis (2:12); Eva Stimson (1:38); Patricia Longfellow (2:01)

Ah Counter/Grammarian Glenn Lewis reported that the word of the day was used 2 times during the meeting.

Toastmaster Perry Chang returned the meeting to President Glenn Lewis, who encouraged everyone to invite friends to visit and join Toastmasters. He reminded everyone that the next meeting was scheduled for December 3 in Conference Room B. He then adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson