Wednesday, May 13, 2009

April 15 meeting

President Glenn Lewis opened the meeting at 1:04 p.m., and introduced the invocation leader, Susan EngPoole. She read the Lord’s Prayer, as translated from Aramaic.

Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed members to the meeting. He announced that there would be an officers’ meeting April 21, from 1–2 p.m. in room 1050 at the Presbyterian Center. He said the officers would be discussing the appointment of a nominating committee to prepare a new slate of officers for the next club year. New officers need to be in place by June 30. Glenn encouraged all members to consider serving as officers.

Glenn then opened the business part of the meeting. Susan EngPoole made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 1, 2009 meeting as written. The motion was approved.

Eva said Treasurer Ada Middleton had asked her to tell club members to disregard any e-mail they may have received from the national offices about dues not being paid. Ada checked on this and was told the e-mail was sent out by mistake.

Perry reminded members about the Toastmasters International District 11 spring conference in Indianapolis, April 17–18, and encouraged anyone interested to attend.

Susan EngPoole invited members to attend programs by speaker Byron Katie April 22 and 23. She distributed a CD and booklet by Katie to everyone.

Glenn introduced Toastmaster Eva Stimson, who invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Timer—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Kim Kaberle. ers of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Betsy Blocker; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Timer—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Kim Kaberle.

Patricia Longfellow introduced the word of the day, trepidation (noun). Etymology: Latin trepidation, trepidatio, from trepidare to tremble, from trepidus agitated, probably akin to Old English thrafian to urge, push, Greek trapein to press grapes. Date: 1605. Meaning: A fearful state; a state of hesitation or concern. Example: Timorous, uncertain agitation—trepidation about starting a new job.

Eva introduced Becki Moody, who gave her Project #4 “How to Say It” speech from the Competent Communication Program Manual. The topic of her speech was “When Love Goes Wrong” (domestic violence

Eva introduced Joelle Anderson to lead Table Topics. She invited six people to speak on topics related to the Kentucky Derby.

Eva then called for reports from the evaluation team. Speech Evaluator Betsy Blocker said Becki’s topic was very appropriate and her speech was informative. She used simple, clear words and made good use of examples. She said Becki seemed a lot more comfortable speaking then when she gave her first speech.

Timer Eric Darnell reported the following times:
Becki Moody’s speech 9:15

Table Topics:
Gary Warren 1:14
Perry Chang 1:34
Kim Kaberle 1:03
Susan EngPoole 1:46
Glenn Lewis 1:33
Patricia Longfellow 1:31

Speech evaluation 1:17

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow reported that the word of the day was used 5 times. She also counted 16 space fillers and 3 sentence shifts.

Vote counter Kim Kaberle reported that Patricia Longfellow received the most votes for best Table Topics speech. Joelle presented her with a prize and trophy to keep until the next meeting.
Following closing remarks, Eva Stimson turned the meeting over to President Glenn Lewis. He announced that the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting is at 1 p.m. May 6 in Conference Room B. He adjourned the meeting at 1:49 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

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